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From the sampling group of 100 employees, overall result is good:

  • 85% are satisfied with recognition & reward.

  • 90% are satisfied with training & development.

  • 75% are satisfied with the job in general.

However, the hotel should improve the communication within the hotel as 54% of the sampling group are not satisfied with the communication. Therefore the hotel should provide more information to the employees to perform tasks more efficiently.


Literature Review

This survey is a part of Business Research subject, SPU International College. The main objective of the subject is to gain applied educational experiences in a variety of research areas related to business.

The study of an employee satisfaction is essential to facilitating development and organizational change, allows the organization to focus on needs and leverage its strengths, informs the organization on which actions will create problems for the employees, provides management with employee feedback (both positive and negative) on the internal health of the organization, measures the impact of current programs, policies and procedures and can be used to motivate employees and improve job satisfaction.

Bangkok Banyan Tree Hotel is 5 star hotel that has standard for all the process. Therefore it can be a good sample to do the survey of an employee satisfaction.

Research Finding: Quantitative Information

Employee Satisfaction in Communication within the hotel

Employee Satisfaction in Recognition and Rewards

Employee Satisfaction in Training and Development

Job satisfaction

Questionnaire Design

The Study of an employee satisfaction

This survey is a part of Business Research subject, SPU International College. The main objective of the subject is to gain applied educational experiences in a variety of research areas related to business.

Objective: The employee satisfaction survey is used to monitor internal communications and management structures to ensure that employees are aware of their reporting and management responsibilities as well as used to identify the specific concerns of employees so those concerns can be properly addressed. And the survey can help an organization identify the underlying cause of employee unrest and through their findings help find solutions.
Instructions: We would like to preserve your anonymity for this survey, however the size of our organization means that in order for the data to be useful, we do need to know what SPECIFY e.g. location/department you work in, and your length of service. Please complete the survey, by circling your answers.

Your department: ___________________________________________
Your length of service (please circle):

  • less than one year

  • 1-2 yrs

  • 3-5 yrs

  • 5-10 years

  • over 10 yrs

Job Level

  • Worker/ Rack & file

  • Officer/Supervisory

  • Manager/Head department

  • Director

  • Management Level


  • 20-25

  • 26-30

  • 31-35

  • 36-40

  • 41-5O

  • over 51 yrs old

Key to your ratings:

  • 1Not applicable or do not wish to answer

  • 2 Very dissatisfied/strongly disagree

  • 3Dissatisfied/disagree

  • 4Satisfied/agree

  • 5 Very satisfied/strongly agree

    Topics & Questions in the questionnaire

    I am satisfied with communications generally.

    I can ask for advice and support from my manager.

    My views are asked for.

    My views are listened to.

    I am kept informed of department results against targets.

    I know about the organization and what it is trying to achieve.

    I understand how I contribute to the success of the organization.

    I have the information I need to do a great job.

    Recognition and reward

    I am fairly rewarded for the job I do.

    My knowledge and skills are fully utilized.

    Showing initiative is encouraged.

    I receive recognition for work well done.

    Training and development

    I have received all the training I need to effectively carry out my job.
    I get constructive feedback on my performance.

    My appraisal helps me in planning for the future.

    I have the tools and equipment to do a great job.

    Job satisfaction

    My job is fulfilling.

    This is a good organization to work for.

    The organization meets or exceeds my expectations.

    There is good co-operation between the members of my team.

    My working environment is satisfactory.

    Concern is shown for my health and safety at work.

    My manager has talked to me recently about how well I'm doing my job.
    I am trusted to do my job.
    My manager always treats me with respect.
    I would recommend this organization as a great place to work.

Research Finding : Qualitative Information

Research Methodology

  • Using Questionnaire to obtain data from 100 employees of Banyan Tree Hotel.
  • The questionnaire is divided into 2 parts:

1. Qualitative information: Job level, age and length of service
2. Quantitative information: Communication, Recognition & Reward, Training & Development and Job Satisfaction

Background and Purpose of the research

Bangkok Banyan Tree is 5 star hotel that it has own standards for the
employees to carry out while perform their jobs and for the hotel to treat the employees as well. Therefore doing the research of the employee satisfaction will enable the management to measure how efficiency of their standard of treating their employees. This is one of essential factors to achieve the organization goal. The management must not just only satisfy the hotel guests but must also keep the employees happy to perform well on their jobs which are mainly serving guests.

Employee satisfaction surveys help the employer identify areas of employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The survey provides a picture of an organization's needs. These surveys can be used to solicit employee opinions on a variety of issues such as the company's success in communicating its mission to employees, or local issues such as quality of the working environment.

Executive Summary

This research to study the satisfaction of the hotel employees in all aspects of their jobs including the efficiency in communication between the management and the employees, the efficiency in training and development provided to the employees in order to carry out their tasks properly and general job satisfaction (e.g. job fulfilling, working environment, relationship between team members and etc.)

This research is based on a survey technique. The population of the research is the hotel employees that are different in job level, age, salary and length of service.